

The convergence – Humanity’s Moment of Choice


September 8th, 2023


2023 Awakening Peace Award Recipient – Dr. Nina Meyerhof


September 21, 2023


Each year since Lisa and Brian Berman founded their Awakening Peace org, they have awarded recipients who have worked tirelessly in teaching and promoting peace for future generations. Dr. Nina Meyerhof is our 6th recipient of the Awakening Peace Award. In this video interview, Nina outlines her accomplishments as a peace educator over the course of her lifetime. This documentation of her life from her own words will uplift and inspire all who view this video.

Beyond Auschwitz – Invitation to Build a New Future – Oswiecim/Auschwitz


August 23-29, 2023


Oswiecim, Poland
Youth, aged 15 - 25 years, are invited to attend a training Workshop Gathering in Oswiecim, Poland. This is adjacent to the horrors of Auschwitz where humanity did such atrocious acts and murdered 1.1 million people. Imagine if you could take this experience and juxtapose this for HOPE for humanity? You are invited!

Peace Lab Workshops – Vision Board for 2023


January 12th 2023, Thursday, from 3:00 pm -4:30 pm CET


House of Hope
Create Your Vision Board for 2023. Vision boards are a collection of images or objects arranged in a way to help you manifest your goals or vision. You can use them to manifest your personal goals or create a visual representation of a personal vision statement.

Peace Lab Workshops – Compassionate Listening Community Circle in the Peace Lab – Oswiecim/Auschwitz


January 11, 18, 25, February 1, 8, 15 2023
 – 6 Wednesdays – 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm CET


House of Hope
This Compassionate Listening Circle takes place in person in the Peace Lab of the OneHumanity.Institute. It is about heart to heart listening, being fully present, connecting, and allowing our truth to be shared in a safe loving compassionate environment.

Peace Lab Workshops – Mindfulness and Healing Meditation for Your Wellbeing


January 11 2023, Wednesday – from 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm CET


House of Hope
In this open group session participants will experience the healing universal life energy flow through meditative guidance.


Building a Brighter Future: Nina Meyerhof’s dedication to education and peace


May 12th, 2024


School in Rodi, in Homa Bay County, Kenya
As he makes his way to school, every morning, Michael's mind is consumed not by the joys of learning, but by the gnawing ache of hunger that threatens to overshadow his every thought. He is no stranger to the pangs of an empty stomach, for this is a reality he faces each day with stoic resignation.

Hope Beyond Auschwitz Peace Day 2023


16. – 23. september 2023


Peace day youth convergence 2022




Pathways to Peace in the Ukraine – Nina Meyerhof



Pathways To Peace conducted a series of interview over 7 days. We interviewed incredible Peace leaders. Our seventh interview was with Nina Meyerhof

OHI Bakery becomes House of Hope for Ukrainian Refugees


05/30/22 – 2:00pm


We have moved on from our Teddy Bear campaign to transitional housing. With more than 1.8 million people fleeing to Poland, housing is a crisis. Please support our efforts to be able to provide longer-term transitional housing for Ukrainian families and young people. Starting in June 2022, we will provide safe housing where people can heal, feel supported and give back to the community.

Teddy Bears for Ukrainian Children – Fundraiser


03/01/22 – 2:00pm


People uniting for peace globally creates a powerful ripple effect. In Poland, the population is uniting like never before - across political, religious or cultural divides - to offer their help and solidarity, their houses and food, their hands, hearts and ears in this humanitarian crisis happening next door. We at OHI are ready to take our place in this quest for world peace and are gearing up to work with incoming refugee families and children in Oświęcim where many of them are being brought to. Your support is now needed more than ever. OHI is raising money for refugee children and their families to support them in settling into their new reality. SUPPORT US with your donation!