Ora Setter

Owner of Window to the Spirit; Lecturer at Tel Aviv university.

A teacher, a consultant, a writer and an artist. She is a pioneer in bringing spirituality and mindfulness into the business world in Israel. She has a Ph.D. in management sciences, and a practice as a management consultant. She joined boards of directors in the private, public and NGOs sectors. She founded a startup high tech company, and was the CEO and Academic Director of Lahav, the Executive Education Center in Tel Aviv University in Israel until some years ago.

Her current mission is to bring more spirit, more humanity, more compassion into the business world. She writes about mindfulness and compassion. She developed and taught numerous programs for executives, consultants and managers, both in the academia and in the Buddhist psychology school where she served as a chairwoman.

Specialties: Building training programs, Organizational Development, Management Development, consulting, coaching, knowledge management specialist, spirituality and business, general management.
Developing programs for bringing spirituality into organizations and managerial practices. Lectures about spirituality, justice, KM and organizational politics. Coaching senior managers. Supervision of OD consultants.

Psycho-Dharma is a school for using buddhist principles and wisdom into everyday life. There are courses for psychologists, consultants and coaches, for managers, and for the general public. Ora is a teacher there.